These Rules Are For Your Protection - As Well As To Promote Your Enjoyment Of Our Facility
Eye & ear protection are mandatory for all persons on the range.
Bolts or actions must be open when you are not shooting.
Treat every gun as if it were loaded at all times.
Keep the muzzle pointed down range or in a safe direction at all times.
Check your barrel for obstructions before firing.
Make sure you have the correct ammunition for your gun before firing.
Shooters may shoot only at the target in line with their position, (example: #1 position shoots at #1 target only.)
Use official targets only. Target frames must be used. No cans, bottles or other litter. Put old targets in trash container.
Remove all firearms from their cases at the shooting benches only, never behind the benches or at your vehicle or in the parking lot.
Load firearms only when the range is declared hot (ready to commence firing) and you are at the firing line ready to shoot.
No alcoholic beverages allowed on range. (if employees detect the odor of alcohol on your person, you will not be access to the range.
You may collect your own brass that is on or at the firing line. Brass that falls in front of the firing line may not be retrieved.
All persons must use the walkways to and from the rifle/pistol range targets. Access to the backstop and all areas outside of the target lines and walkways is prohibited.
No tracer or incendiary type ammunition allowed on range.
Be aware of your target and what is behind it, all bullets must impact the lower half of the berm.
If others are waiting to shoot, time will be limited to one hour per shooter.
No 50 caliber bmg. No 50 ae, 500, 460 or 454 magum handguns.
Allow for two seconds in between rounds. No rapid fire.
Please ask if you have any questions! Thank you and have fun!